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Foul and Surface Water Sump Pump Upgrade


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Foul & Surface Water Sump Pump Upgrades


The headquarters of a major high street chain requested that we attend site to carry out a service on the existing storm and foul water pumping stations.


They had previously been informed by ourselves that the system had gone beyond the end of operational life and the decision was made to carry out a major overhaul of both sump pump stations.

What we did

A basic service was carried out to ensure the pumps were operating as best as they could until the parts and materials were delivered to site.

The works were to be carried out over one weekend as the building was closed meaning the sumps wouldn’t be used. We arrived on site and working closely with the tank jetting company, both sumps were emptied and cleaned and confined space entry was required into both sumps.

The old equipment was removed from both sumps and we installed 2 completely new sump pump stations including new pumps, new control panels, wiring, new pipework, guide rails and floats etc.

Key Challenges: To have all of the old services removed and operational for all staff on Monday morning. Ensuring all materials were delivered and on site prior to the commencement of the works.


Key Deliverables: Delivered on budget on time and no health and safety issues and ready for business on the Monday morning.


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